Monday, May 14, 2007

A former police officer in a Detroit suburb is not being arrested or charged, despite taking confiscated marijuana, baking it into brownies, and then trying to convince a local police dispatcher that he is dead.

Read the story HERE and listen to the 911 call HERE.

This is fucked, I hope justice is served and that lightweight bitch cop goes to jail.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Last night the Golden State Warriors became the first number 8 seed to knock of a number 1 seed (the Dallas Mavericks) in a best of seven opening round series. So...fuck you Dirk Nowitzki and fuck you Mark Cuban. Let's have Steve Nash as a three time MVP, you think America can handle that?

Check out less than flattering clips of Dirk ...and here.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Here's a sentence I read today in an old issue of Film Quarterly about a sex scene in the movie Medium Cool, which you can read about here.

"This gavotte is amusing because most males in breast-fed-and-bred America probably find greater visual (not tactile) excitement in a beautiful poitrine rather than in the pudendum."

I thought this sentence was hilarious the first time I read it, even though I didn't understand the words "gavotte," "poitrine," and "pudendum." I guess I could figure out their general meaning based on the context. Here's anyways:

Gavotte-an old French dance in moderately quick quadruple meter
Poitrine-a woman's breasts
Pudendum-the external genital organs, esp. those of the female; vulva

I need to start using pudendum more often. Great word.